Welcome to Tax Reclaimed.

One simple question.

Are you employed (PAYE) earning over £50,000 per year (£3,137 take home per month)?

If so, are you one of the 1.5 million workers in the UK not claiming your pension tax relief?

Not sure? Contact us today for a free pension review.

Lots of clients have and they have received £000s from HMRC.

Simply fill in your contact details and we will contact you

How do I know if I am eligible?

If you are PAYE earning over £3,137 per month (net take home) then you pay 40% tax. You will also be a member of your employer’s pension scheme. When contributing to a pension you are eligible to get your 40% tax back! However, for a lot of pension schemes you need to do this yourself – your employer will not do it for you!

Over 1.5 million people in the UK do not claim 40% tax back – we make sure you are NOT one of these people. With average claims over £1,000 it would be crazy not to check!

Contact us today for a free pension review.

Recent refunds paid out


C Randall

Project Manager


Mrs K Flanagan

Mortgage Broker


N Heal


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I am eligible?

The first step is confirming your income is over £50,000 per year and you are a member of your employer’s pension scheme.

The second step is a pension review – this is where we come in. We need a couple of pieces of information from you to do our check. If you do qualify we undertake the calculations, confirm how many years we can claim for and process the claim on your behalf.

How quickly will I get my tax refund?

Once the claim is submitted it can take HMRC between 6-12 weeks to process the refund.

What are your charges?

It is a no win no fee claim, so you won’t be charged unless you get a refund. Our charge is 25% (plus VAT), subject to a minimum fee of £200 (plus VAT).

How many years can I claim for?

We can claim for the previous 4 tax years, so don’t delay making a claim

What information do you need from me?

If you would like a free pension review we only need a couple of pieces of information (usually a payslip and pension statement). Once the review has been completed we gather together the necessary figures to make the claim and get you the tax refund.

Can all individuals make a claim?

For employees on PAYE it only applies to individuals with income over £50,000. For self employed people they would normally claim their pension tax refund when they complete their annual personal tax return.

I’m not sure if I can make a claim or not?

Each individual is different in terms of whether they qualify or not. It comes down to the type of pension scheme they are in and how their employer has set up the payroll. We check this as part of our free pension review and will then confirm whether a tax refund is due.

Am I due a refund?

As part of our free pension review we will confirm this to you. If you are eligible for a refund, we will then undertake a calculation to determine the refund due and then make the claim for you.

How much refund am I entitled to?

We work this out for you as part of the tax refund claim. We can claim for the previous 4 years. The average tax refund is over £1,000.

Can I make the claim myself?

The first step is determining whether you are eligible for a refund or not. It is not always easy to confirm as we have seen employers and pension scheme providers give incorrect information as to whether a claim can be made or not.

If a claim is valid then a grossing up calculation is needed.

There are several areas where it is easy to get it wrong. That’s why we help our customers from start to finish checking their position and getting them their tax refund.

Do I need to check with my employer?

Not at all. It’s a claim we send to HMRC on your behalf.

We find most employers are actually unaware a claim can be made either. That’s why we offer employer review services so that we can review all eligible employees, so they can get a tax refund.

Will my work colleagues be affect by this?

Potentially, if they have income over £50,000. We are happy to be introduced to colleagues and employers to check their position.

I already completed a tax return, can I still make a claim?

Potentially, this will depend on what claims have been made on your tax return already. If not done correctly we can amend your tax return including a pension tax relief claim.

Why hasn’t my employer told me about this?

Unfortunately, most employers simply don’t know about the pension tax relief either. Employers think the employees will do it. Employees think their employers will tell them. So it ends up with no-one doing anything and a loss of tax.

Why hasn’t my pension provider told me about this?

Whilst pension providers are good at sending out documents about tax relief, it is usually written in such a way that confuses people and they end up not knowing whether they qualify or not. Most people just don’t know how their pension scheme is taxed through their payroll (again assuming their employer will tell them if there is something to do)

That’s why we offer a free pension review to see if they are eligible.

My pension provider has mentioned about tax relief at source, but I’m not sure if I need to do anything further

This is what we look at as part of our pension review. How the pension is set up and how your employer payroll operates form part of the free pension review.

I have a Nest pension scheme can I claim refund?

If your income exceeds £50,000, then yes you can

What pension providers are affected by this?

Lots of pension scheme providers are affected by this – NEST, The People’s Pension, AVIVA, Royal London the list goes on. Pension schemes are set up differently for each employers – so for the employees they may or may not be entitled to a pension tax refund.

That’s why it is so important to get your position checked – it might just put £1k back in your pocket.